WW2 M3 Lee Medium Tank

Regular price $29.50

Tax included.

The M3 Lee, officially Medium Tank, M3, was an American medium tank used during World War II. Design commenced in July 1940, and the first M3s were operational in late 1941.[3] The US Army needed a medium tank armed with a 75mm gun and, coupled with the United Kingdom's immediate demand for 3,650 medium tanks,[4] the Lee began production by late 1940. The design was a compromise meant to produce a tank as soon as possible. The M3 had considerable firepower and good armor, but had serious drawbacks in its general design and shape, including a high silhouette, an archaic sponson mounting of the main gun preventing the tank from taking a hull-down position, riveted construction, and poor off-road performance.


This model is resin printed By Dark Caste Terrain. Available in 28mm, 20mm Scale

Models are hollow with round holes underneath due to nature of resin printing

Model will require some gluing please use super glue as plastic model glue will not hold.

Licenced by wargame3d (Ukraine)