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WW2 Sherman Rhino Tank

Regular price $29.50

Tax included.

One of these variants of the Sherman was developed during the Battle of Normandy in order to get rid of the obstacle represented by the Norman hedges. Indeed, the American land forces are significantly slowed down on this partitioned terrain favorable to defense. The hedges allow the Germans to launch murderous ambushes, imposing on their opponents axes of approach.

A US Army sergeant, Curtis G. Culin of the 2nd Armored Division, then thinks of attaching to the front of the Sherman metal blades allowing to remove the feet of the hedges and thus facilitating the progression through the hedgerow. These blades are designed from the beach obstacles scattered by the Germans before the landing, especially the “Czech hedgehog”: hundreds are gathered and transformed, this raw material is not lacking in Normandy!

The new armor is then nicknamed “Rhinoceros” and its diminutive becomes “Rhino”.


This model is resin printed By Dark Caste Terrain. Available in 28mm, 20mm Scale

Models are hollow with round holes underneath due to nature of resin printing

Printed in grey resin 

Model will require some gluing please use super glue as plastic model glue will not hold.

Licenced by wargame3d (Ukraine)